Did you ever see a situation where you take one look and think, “Wow, that’s a recipe for disaster?” We see a fair number of those on the Anglican Watch beat. But the situation that takes the cake right now is the decision by the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Ohio to
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Episcopal priest Daniel McClain files motion over children
Earlier today, Daniel McClain filed an ex parte motion with the courts, claiming that his wife has removed their children from Ohio and is seeking their return. That raises a question: If Daniel McClain is so worried about the children and their welfare, why is he allegedly seeing another woman
Continue readingRecent litigation underscores broken Episcopal moral compass
The recent final order by the South Carolina Supreme Court in the endless property recovery litigation has attracted relatively little notice, perhaps because most observers have gotten tired of the protracted dispute. But hold the court case against other recent Episcopal litigation, and it quickly becomes clear that the denomination
Continue readingEver wonder who Dan McClain’s flying monkey Joseph Dionsyiovich is? We have answers.
One of the more rabid commenters here on Anglican Watch, at least until we banned him, was Joseph Dionsyiovich. That begs the question: Did you ever wonder who he is? Dionsyiovich is a fierce advocate for St. Paul’s Dayton rector Daniel McClain. That in itself is enough to give reasonable people pause,
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