Anglican Watch

GCA’s Patti Tremblay evinces possible guilt in her conduct after Grant’s death

Patti Tremblay

Some time ago, Anglican Watch covered the role of Grace Christian Academy (GCA)/Grace Chapel employee Patti Tremblay in the events prior to Grant Solomon’s death.  Today’s post examines Tremblay’s strange conduct in the days following Grant’s death and explores the possible reasons for her conduct. For starters, let’s look at how most of us

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BREAKING: Shocking allegations emerge that Amy Curle and other GCA officials covered up multiple instances of rape and child abuse, as former students discuss possible class action lawsuit

Grace Christian Academy faces possible class action lawsuit

Anglican Watch has uncovered evidence that helps us understand the context for Amy Curle’s abusive behavior towards former Grace Christian Academy (GCA) student George Brewer. Curle serves as the school’s head of counseling. Specifically, Anglican Watch has documented that Curle engaged in a pattern and practice of ignoring allegations of child abuse. This

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