Anglican Watch

Olivia McCarthy reported to law enforcement for making terroristic threats against Angie/Gracie Solomon and Anglican Watch

Olivia McCarthy makes terroristic threats against us

Legal warning: Any further communication from Olivia McCarthy or anyone acting on her behalf will be charged with criminal harassment. Same for Olivia’s various pseudonyms. Olivia McCarthy has always been a bit out there, with her alleged claims to communicate with the dead and other weirdness. But now, she’s making

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Lies, threats, profanity and toxic behavior from Crista Stewart, Olivia McCarthy, Laura Sarratt, Constance Brown, and the other Bergerites in exile

Olivia McCarthy shows us true Christianity

Proof we were right all along comes from these ugly text messages from folks with their own agendas in #justiceforgrant. If idiots like these folks think Anglican Watch is taking down content they don’t like, they’d better start writing those books, doing those interviews, making those moves, and publishing those

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