Anglican Watch

More allegations emerge against Episcopal priest Daniel McClain

Daniel McClain

Anglican Watch has received additional allegations, directly from current and former St. Paul’s parishioners, that they are frightened of Daniel McClain.

The message above came directly from a parishioner, and not anyone directly involved in the matter. The expressions of fear and notion that McClain engages in anti-social behavior, including lying about others and Machiavelliansim, are consistent with myriad allegations we have received from others.  We believe these allegations suggest a possible anti-social personality disorder on McClain’s part.

As a result, Anglican Watch believes McClain is unsuited for ministry.

We are leaving comments open on this post and trust that the un-Christian, defamatory per se, and defamatory by implication remarks from McClain’s flying monkeys will not reappear.

And yes, those who have to ask these questions already know the answer. When in doubt, leave it out,

Finally, our usual remark to the inevitable attorneys: These are all allegations and not statements of fact. But we believe our sources and find them credible.

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