Anglican Watch

Guilty by reason of insanity: SBC plans to sell HQ, sheds members due to abuse but denies there’s an issue. Sounds painfully familiar.

The SBC is shedding members due to abuse, even as it pretends abuse isn’t an issue

The Episcopal Church is not the only denomination in which corrupt responses to abuse are causing financial and membership declines. Indeed, in a recent announcement, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) shared plans to sell its Nashville-based world headquarters following massive expenditures due to decades of ignoring abuse, silencing victims, resisting

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Corruption boils over in Tennessee: Nashville district attorney Glen Funk routinely violates federal law, constitutional rights

Jonathan Skrmetti refuses to prosecute criminal conduct by district attorney’s office Glen Funk

According to local media, Davidson County District Attorney Glenn Funk routinely violates constitutional rights by secretly recording meetings between defendants and their attorneys, as well as other visitors to Funk’s offices. The reports are based on a scathing Tennessee comptroller’s office report, which was developed in conjunction with the Tennessee

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The Episcopal Church says it welcomes LGBTQ+ persons. The in-person guest list at the upcoming investiture of the presiding bishop says otherwise

Mid- century mediocrity. Episcopal church headquarters are exactly the sort of building inconsistent with a commitment to eco-justice

The Episcopal Church has announced a very limited number of in-person attendees for the investiture of incoming presiding bishop Sean Rowe, set for November 2 and held in the 129-seat Chapel of Christ the Lord in The Episcopal Church Center in New York City. Touted as including “diverse representation from

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Court’s Error Puts SBC’s Culture of Cruelty on Display….and it’s about more than Paige Patterson

TEC: Empty Pews., Empty Church

The following is reprinted by permission from Christa Brown’s excellent publication, In Solidarity. A victim of abuse in the Southern Baptist Convention, Brown has been a forerunner in the drive for accountability. She is the author of Baptistland: A Memoir of Abuse, Betrayal, and Transformation. ### The Texas Supreme Court erroneously released

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Tennessee newspaper publishes Hale manifesto. Anglican Watch reiterates demand that Covenant repent of criminal conduct

Audrey Hale suicide note

The Tennessee Star has released a PDF of one of Covenant shooter Audrey Hale’s journals, following lengthy efforts by victims’ families to prevent publication. The document, which we post below, is in places crude and graphic, while failing to answer many of the questions around the shooting, including whether Hale

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The truth matters: Letter disproves Bishop Lucinda Ashby’s claims about registered sex offender

Bishop Lucinda Ashby is a liar

TLD: It’s time for Bishop Lucinda Ashby and ECR Director of Communications Carole Bartolini to tender their resignations As the scandal grows over Episcopal Bishop Lucinda Ashby’s handling of a registered sex offender in her diocese, Anglican Watch is increasingly concerned about the Diocese of El Camino Real (ECR) and its misleading

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Reynoldsburg City Schools incompetent on issues of child safety. So, it’s time for superintendent Dr. Tracy Reed to resign

Reynoldsburg City School Superintendent Dr. Tracy Reed

Recently, Anglican Watch passed along to Reynoldsburg City Schools our profound concerns about the possibility that Dan McClain will teach in the schools. The response, while unsurprising, illustrates profound problems with the school system and Dr. Tracy Reed, the school system superintendent. To be clear, we were careful to flag the fact

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