Anglican Watch

Anglican Watch denounces Ben Day perjury, refuses to disclose sources to prosecutor

Episcopal priest Ben Day is a perjurer

It appears the First Amendment doesn’t apply in Cobb County, Georgia. That’s the conclusion Anglican Watch reached after a conversation with prosecutor Diane Busch, in which we denounced Episcopal priest Ben Day’s perjury.

In our conversation, Busch demanded to know who our sources are. We declined to provide them, and she stated that she could not proceed on our information unless we disclosed a source. We cautioned her that, to ignore perjury by a witness is prosecutorial misconduct; Busch replied by basically suggesting that the judge has it in for defendant Art Blackburn. So, we concluded by stating that we will send our concerns to her in writing, and Busch can do with them what she will.

For the record — and we want to be emphatically clear — our source is NOT Art Blackburn. It never has been Art Blackburn. All of our evidence comes from public records.

Moreover, it is not harassment for media outlets to cover Day’s perjury and other misconduct. Our activities — and our sources — are protected by the First Amendment, and even if we were in Cobb County, we will not divulge a source. Even if we face contempt of court charges.

Further, Anglican Watch will continue to cover this case, regardless of any decision Cobb County may make. We also will continue our Title IV case against Ben.

So, in the interests of transparency, we are publishing our communication with Busch below, which make clear that the prosecutor is aware of Ben’s perjury.

A list of public record sources for evidence that Day is lying about his relationship with his wife follow. Should any of this evidence be removed, it will confirm that Day is engaging in spoliation of evidence.

August 21, 2022 – Facebook post[0]=AZW0yYD6x9Fs4wCKMRcve_WSprUTw4OqihKmQuelpAvoCzBqBalD7WFI9roI2MpYKrg2hj7e-dPW3uJb3LrhwOOGLYu5aE2AN5ZFPOdY66oB9ka1WOornC-r6jN8EsdeAhT_UP3ZMyX7a1JJMIHjGL6sQhdHLxZyNWhrgA9h5jw5Kt40dNLsAHwF3i0C719RapCFINneAuyEbXbtdGBndXxM&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

Mallory’s middle child is on the left in the glasses. This photo proves that Mallory and her children were parishioners are the church.

August 7, 2022 – Facebook post

Photo of Art Blackburn and Mallory in attendance at church which proves they were both parishioners.

May 18, 2022 – Facebook post

Church newsletter which shows:

1) Mallory Hamilton (now Day) was received into the church by Father Ben Day, and therefore was a parishioner

2) Bishop Robert Wright was a witness to the ceremony

Inside the mailchimp newsletter are direct links to the worship sermons for Sunday May 22, 2022 which shows Mallory and Art Blackburn in attendance as parishioners of the church.

April 16, 2022 – Facebook videos (3 links)

Post #1

Mallory’s eldest son in blue.

Post #2

Art in orange t-shirt and Mallory in black shirt next to him with her two sons.

Post #3

Mallory/s eldest son in blue t-shirt. Art in orange t-shirt sitting next to him with Mallory.


One comment

  1. Diane Busch… the source is Facebook. You can go after whoever published those posts and whoever wrote the Parish newsletter… which would be, oh right, Father Ben.

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