Anglican Watch

Bishop Santosh Marray uses priest’s funeral to portray himself as a victim

Santosh Kumar Marray

In our experience, one of the signs of a truly toxic personality is an individual who portrays himself as the victim of a situation they created. That’s the case with Easton bishop Santosh Marray (unaffectionately known as “Santosh Claws” by the Anglican Watch team), who recently used the funeral of a priest in his diocese, the Rev. Patricia Drost Kuhn, to portray himself as the victim of bullying, racism, and more. The move appears intended to influence the Title IV clergy disciplinary cases pending against Marray.

To be clear, we have seen zero evidence that Marray has been discriminated against in any way. However, multiple data points make clear that Marray is abusive, a bully, and an all-around jackrabbit.

In a video from the funeral, hyperlinked and provided below, Marray also talks about how the decedent agreed with everything he’s doing—an unlikely notion, at best.

In other words, this situation shows why clergy in a Title IV case often should be suspended until the outcome is clear.

Marray’s obnoxious drivel begins right around the 41 minute mark.

Could someone from the national church please put the brakes on this crazy, narcissistic BS?

Below is the link; a Facebook account is needed to access it.

Here is a link to an archived copy. Note that no claim is made of copyright, but we believe it is important to document Marray’s actions, so we are preserving this for future reference.

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