In the run-up to the upcoming triennial general convention, the Title IV committee of the Episcopal Church recommended a series of changes to Title IV to reduce single points of failure in the disciplinary process. The move, while well-intentioned, misses the mark by overlooking several vital reasons the clergy disciplinary
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Bishop Holly Hollerith ignores calls to take child rape seriously
“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.” ― Thomas Paine “It is wrong and immoral to seek to escape the consequences of one’s acts.” ― Mahatma Gandhi On February 25, 2024, Anglican Watch covered Bishop Herman “Holly” Hollerith’s outrageous email, which he mistakenly sent
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Readers of this publication know we call them as we see them and we’re not afraid to chart our own path forward in turbulent seas. And in the Cayce Ramey Title IV case, now underway in the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia (DioVA), we’re calling BS on the whole sorry lot
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Reposted from October 2023. Some time ago, then canon to the ordinary for Virginia, Mary Thorpe, told members of St. Thomas’ McLean that the reason they were having trouble finding a rector is that, having had their previous rector removed in a Title IV case, they were “damaged goods.” That comment, none
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