Anglican Watch

Warning to Tenth Presbyterian Church: This Post Violates Your Interpretation of the 9th Commandment and This Woman Has Been Speaking Out for 14 Years

The Church Lady

The following is reposted with permission from our beloved friend Dee Parsons’ blog, the Wartburg Watch. We intend to write more on acceptance, inclusion, and church discipline, including the appalling situation at Tenth Presbyterian. But for now, please enjoy this excellent post. As you read the nonsense about the Ninth

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Empty Christmas services at Grace Episcopal Alexandria underscore the problems churches face when they experience clergy abuse

Grace Episcopal Alexandria empties following clergy abuse

Disclosure: Anglican Watch editor Eric Bonetti is a former member of Grace Episcopal and launched this publication following criminal conduct by former rector Robert H. Malm. ### Far too often, vestry members, judicatories, and others in positions of power within the Episcopal church treat clergy misconduct as an inconsequential issue peripheral to

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Update: St. Paul’s Dayton lurches towards closure, thanks to Dan McClain and a lack of leadership

Episcopal priest Daniel McClain

Yesterday, Anglican Watch referenced the financial catastrophe facing St. Paul’s, Dayton. Today’s post further explores the meltdown. To be clear, St. Paul’s has long been a hot mess. Problems began in 1920, with the founding of the church as a mission of Christ Church, Dayton.  Scarred by the great flood of 1913, wealthy

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