Anglican Watch

Central Indiana Presbytery (PCA) proves it’s unsafe at any speed by threatening fellow blogger Dee Parsons

The biggest problem in PCA lurks right beneath the surface

The Central Indiana Presbytery (PCA) has just tried to implicitly threaten fellow blogger Dee Parsons at The Wartburg Watch over her coverage of allegations of misconduct involving pastor Dan Herron, formerly of Hope Presbyterian Church. That was a profoundly stupid move that reflects a lack of common sense and Christian thinking. And it has now officially backfired.

At issue is the handling of the Presbytery of allegations of abuse by Herron involving two women.

We won’t bore readers with details, but the upshot is that the Presbytery sat on the women’s complaints for 18 months (fast, by Episcopal standards) and then basically told them to pound sand.

Now, the Presbytery says Herron has been cleared of wrongdoing by the Presbytery. Indeed, the whole thing smells suspiciously like the PCA’s handling the pedophile at Covenant Presbyterian Nashville (who happened to be Mike Huckabee’s speechwriter). And, by some strange coincidence, the PCA dealt with the pedophile a bit too slowly—by the time it did anything, the statute of limitations had passed.

How convenient.

Now, almost four years after Dee first covered the Herron allegations, the Central Indiana Presbytery has sent Dee a letter insinuating she’ll be sued if she doesn’t “alter” her coverage. A copy of the letter is included in the article hyperlinked at the top of this post, and in PDF below.

In response, Dee has reported on the less-than-Christian behavior of Pastor Bob O’Bannon of New LIfe Presbyterian and the Presbytery. We agree with her assessment in its entirety and are prepared to go a step further: There is nothing defamatory in her original post or her follow-on post.

As to the bit in the letter about criminal charges, there is nothing even arguably criminal involved. That argument was tried by the Liam Goligher’s attorney with us, and it won’t fly.

Further, we encourage anyone who receives such a letter to report the attorney(s) involved to the relevant attorney disciplinary board(s). As certain high-profile attorneys have recently learned the hard way, truth matters, and you can’t make arguments entirely unsupported by the law and facts.

Meanwhile, Dee, being a whole lot nicer than folks here, is taking down the original post. But we like her post a lot, and so we are republishing and, if she wishes, taking ownership of the content. It’s below, in PDF.

In other words, come and get us, O’Bannon. And while you’re at it, we expressly forbid use of our email to send legal notices, so knock yourself out. And we sent a heads-up to you, so you know damned well what we’re up to. 

Come get me! Source: Home Alone
Come get me! Source: Home Alone

Meanwhile, the chuckleheads at the Presbytery might want to read up on the so-called Streisand effect. The phenomenon takes its name from Barbara Streisand, who attempted via legal counsel to suppress photos of her Malibu, California, oceanside digs due to security concerns. Unfortunately, her efforts backfired, and the otherwise innocuous images of a rather over-the-top heap suddenly became matters of enormous public interest.

In other words, think before you threaten, because you may just go from the fire to the frying pan.

As to prospective PCA members, this is the only denomination we’ve seen that gives the Episcopal Church a run for its money when it comes to dragging abuse victims through hell, kicking them out the other side, then siding with the perpetrator, all while bloviating about the church’s lofty clergy disciplinary goals. In other words, the abusive handling of complaints often is worse than the original abuse. And both denominations like to find excuses, procedural issues, or just make up rules as they go on these matters.

And yes, that includes our Roman sisters and brothers.

Keep the PCA’s track record in mind if you are looking for a new church home.



  1. Off topic, but did the local presbytery finally get around to excommunicating “Dr” Goligher? I seem to remember that in the spring the presbytery suspended him in some way for noncooperation. If anyone would know, it’s you people.
    Bob Emery

    1. Not that we’ve been able to confirm, but we’re still digging. It seems like, with Goligher out of the mix, the Presbytery is happy to say, “Nothing to see, move alone, move along.

      If you hear anything before we do, please let us know

  2. This is straight out of the PCA abuse playbook. Every case has the same pattern.
    1) Tell the victim it is unbiblical/ sinful to go to the police and everything must be handled within church courts.
    2) Conduct all the ecclesiastical proceedings in executive sessions; discipline or depose any elders who talk.
    3) Place a gag order on all victims and witnesses not to speak about the abuse. If they share anything their testimony will be considered invalid because they “breached” Matthew 18.
    4) If anyone talks, threaten them with a lawsuit — the very things the victims were “forbidden” from doing.
    Many PCA members seem to be intelligent folks. They profess to love God and His Word. Does no one see the gross hypocrisy here? Has no one read 1 Samuel or Daniel and seen the dire warnings there for those who profane God’s temple? For that is what these so called presbyters are doing. Like Eli’s sons, these wolves in sheep’s clothing believe they can make a mockery of God’s Holy Name and get away with it. They have no fear of the Lord.
    Calvinist theology won’t get you into heaven, friends. Only true repentance, true turning away, the fruit of which is a changed life.
    I beg you no more flowery speeches or empty promises. If you value your own eternal security, you must change your ways.
    The Lord dealt severely with Eli and his sons. In the New Testament, our Lord Jesus was clear about what happens to false teachers. And it isn’t good. You need to turn away from your wickedness.

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