Anglican Watch

Cesspool Grace Chapel Liepers Fork plans re-brand in an effort to move past its dismal reputation

Grace Chapel helps us understand what being Christian is not

Ever work at an organization in crisis? A place where things are so bad that the only thing to do is to start over?

If so, you’ll feel a sense of déjà vu when you learn that sources close to the matter tell Anglican Watch that Grace Chapel, located in Liepers Fork, Tennessee, is planning to remodel the physical plant.

Relatedly, in January, Grace Chapel will change its name, becoming Southall Church.

Insiders tell us that these initiatives are efforts to side-step reputational damage to Grace Chapel resulting from its cover-up of multiple incidents of abuse, including the death of Grant Solomon. Additionally, former pastor Steve Berger’s Christian nationalism is undercutting the church’s role in the community.

We want to be clear: These efforts are nothing but lipstick on a pig. Grace Chapel, its leadership, and Grace Christian Academy, which is part of the church, are all spectacularly corrupt. In no sense are they Christian.

Specific examples of corruption at Grace Chapel and the school:

  1. Former church pastor Steve Berger welcomed Aaron Solomon, a substantiated pedophile who the state determined had sexually abused his daughter Gracie, calling Aaron, “buddy.” As we have said before, neither Aaron nor anyone else who abuses a child warrants being called a buddy — or anything else positive.
  2. Grace Chapel urged church members to pray the Imprecatory Psalms in retaliation for Gracie Solomon coming forward with allegations that her father abused her.
  3. Grace Christian Academy (GCA), which shares a campus with the church and is affiliated with the church, to this day refuses to report allegations that Grant and Gracie Solomon were abused.
  4. Grace Chapel stole Grant Solomon’s baseball jersey and other memorabilia from Grant’s funeral. And while  church and school personnel deny this, that begs the question: What sort of jackass takes things from a kid’s funeral? As to claims that GCA tried to return these items, spare us. there was no excuse for taking Grant’s belongings in the first place—and no reason not to take them to Angie, the custodial parent, that afternoon.
  5. Former Grace Chapel pastor Steve Berger — a Christian nationalist — lied about his meeting with Grant Solomon approximately four weeks before the latter’s death. Grant neither asked to meet with Berger, nor asked him how to “get closer to Jesus.” Grant was a Christian and a loving kid—but he was not stupid, and he well knew that Berger was not in a position to offer advice on this topic.
  6. GCA tried to force Gracie to keep her abuse secret in order to “protect her reputation.” That’s BS—the only person responsible for managing her reputation is Gracie.
  7. GCA has lied about the recording of the meeting on campus between Angie, Melania Hicks, and school personnel about Gracie’s abuse. The recording, which we previously published, clearly involves Amy Curle, the evil former head of counseling at the school.
  8. GCA has repeatedly forced students to sign nondisclosure agreements, including over allegations that a male football player repeatedly sexually assaulted female students.
  9. Rob Rogers, the current pastor, claims that Jesus set him free from a heroin addiction. Suffice it to say, we find that claim questionable and spiritually abusive.
  10. Steve Berger has a long history of lies, abuse, bullying, threats, intimidation, and more. Add these to his Christian nationalism, and it is obvious that the both Berger and the church are evil.
  11. GCA welcomes pedophile Aaron Solomon. To be clear, anyone who is the subject of credible allegations of child sexual abuse should not be permitted on campus. Full stop.
  12. Grace Chapel has threatened to sue bloggers who expose its corruption.
  13. Grace Chapel refused to help Angie Solomon, despite her allegations of domestic violence.

To be clear, were Grace Chapel actually Christian, it would admit to its sins, change its ways, make restitution, and repent. This has not happened, and we have directly contacted Rob Rogers to offer him a chance to share his perspective.

So, until Grace Chapel repents of its abuse and supports an independent investigation into the death of Grant Solomon and its role in that tragedy, Anglican Watch urges persons of integrity to avoid all interaction with the church and school.

Grace Chapel, Grace Christian Academy, and Rob Rogers are evil and corrupt, and we are happy to be quoted on those issues.

One comment

  1. Ha this reminds me of the International house of prayer disaster. Rebrands won’t save the church from its filthy crimes. At some point these preachers are going to have to stop conning people and get a real job

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