Anglican Watch

Secret recording: Amy Curle behind the scenes

Amy Blaylock Curle unsafe around children

In this recording secretly made of a meeting at Grace Christian Academy (GCA), we hear Amy Curle and Rona Branson, the GCA elementary principal, talk about Gracie’s allegations of abuse and how to “contain” and “squash” the allegations.

So why aren’t they fulfilling their roles as mandatory reporters? Because they’ve decided that Aaron is a good guy and he’s “concerned.” And they’ve decided they know what’s actually happening, even though they’re not trained investigators.

Meanwhile, Amy Curle may not be willing to call CPS over allegations of child sexual abuse, but she sure calls the police in a hurry when her precious snowflake feelings are hurt!

Even now, with Grant Solomon dead, still no sign that GCA, Curle, Branson, or any of these folks see anything wrong with their conduct.

What on earth?


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