Following are some perspectives that may help survivors of abuse:
- Anglican Watch podcast feed
- Anglican Watch on Threads
- Anglican Watch on Twitter
- 1 in 6 – The mission of 1in 6 is to help men who have had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences in childhood live healthier, happier lives. Our mission also includes serving partners, family members and friends by providing information and support resources on the web.
- Abuse by Nuns – Dedicated to exposing the issue of abuse by nuns, supporting those personally affected by it, and advocating for responsible and healing approaches in addressing it.
- ACSA – Adult Survivors of Child Abuse, individual and group support program for adult survivors of physical, sexual and/or emotional child abuse or neglect.
- Advocate Web – AdvocateWeb is a nonprofit organization providing information and resources to promote awareness and understanding of the issues involved in the exploitation of persons by trusted helping professionals.
- American Boychoir School – The American Boychoir School is an example of institutionalized sexual abuse of students. The New York Times and ABC News described decades of alleged sexual abuse by staff and teachers. Boychoir alumni have created this site to uncover the dark secret of their abuse.
- A Quiet Shame – Many of us have had our lives affected by childhood sexual abuse, many directly and many by choosing to share our love with a survivor. However we got here, and whatever trials our lives have held we all have one thing in common, the all have the ability to learn to deal with these issues and to change our lives from that of a victim to one of a survivor.
- The Awareness Center – Based in Maryland, dedicated to Addressing Childhood Sexual Abuse in Jewish Communities Around the World.
- Baptist Accountability – Online crowdsourced database focusing on abuse in the Baptist church.
- Behind the Pine Curtain – a resource for people interested in the history of sexual abuse and misconduct in Collegeville, Minnesota. Run by a former St. John’s Preparatory School student.
- Bishop Accountability – This web site, based in Boston, provides irrefutable documentation on the Catholic bishops of the United States and their role in the sexual abuse crisis. has ambitious plans to post all publicly available letters, discovery materials and court documents that are relevant to the Catholic abuse crisis. Your support will help them complete this important work.
- Childhelp – Childhelp exists to meet the physical, emotional, educational, and spiritual needs of abused and neglected children. Founded in 1959, it runs a professionally staffed national hotline, 800-4-ACHILD. Childhelp also runs residential treatment facilities in Virginia and California as well as group homes, foster-care services and all-in-one advocacy centers.
- Connecticut Sexual Assault Crisis Services – (on-line publications, crisis hotlines)
- Crusade Against Clergy Abuse – This website is dedicated to the memory of Wisconsin murder victims Dan O’Connell and James Ellison, as well as the countless victims of clergy abuse. Web site objective is to encourage others to be active in seeking long term church reform that will protect children, support victims, and make the hierarchy of the church accountable for their actions and inactions.
- Episcopal Accountability – Excellent site by the family of Episcopal Bishop Prince Singh, detailing their allegations of domestic abuse and domestic violence and the church’s mishandling of their complaints.
- FaithTrust Institute – FaithTrust Institute is a national multifaith organization providing religious communities and advocates with training, consultation and educational materials to address the religious aspects of child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault and sexual abuse by clergy.
- From Darkness to Light – Seeking to reduce child sexual abuse through education and public awareness aimed at adults.
- Healing Voices – Based in the Maryland, D.C. area, this non profit organization of lay Catholics and survivors provides therapy referrals and retreats for survivors of abuse by any church leaders.
- The Leadership Council – a non-profit independent scientific organization committed to providing professionals and laypersons with the latest scientific information on issues that may affect the public health and the safety of society’s most vulnerable members, especially children and adults who were abused as children.
- The Healing Alliance – National support group assists victims/survivors of clergy sexual abuse. Formerly known as The Linkup.
- Helping Survivors – Nonprofit working to assist survivors of sexual assault and abuse.
- Jane Doe No More – The JDNM team is comprised of law enforcement, medical, legal and business executives as well as victims’ service professionals. We are dedicated to ensure the proper treatment of victims, which will shorten the time to their healing and allow for the best possible chance of recovery.
- Justice for Children – Based in Houston, TX, organization seeks to address the failure of our governmental agencies to protect victims of child abuse.
- Leadership Council – Anonprofit independent scientific organization committed to providing the latest scientific information on issues that may affect the public’s health and safety. We also seek to correct the misuse of psychological science to justify victimizing vulnerable populations — especially abused and neglected children.
- Making Our Churches Safe – A bibliography of books, videos and other resources, compiled by the United Church of Christ.
- Missionary Kids Safety Net – A site for missionary kids that have been abused.
- Narrow Bridge Movie – Narrow Bridge is an independent narrative film produced by IzzyComm Motion Pictures. It is the first film of its kind to break the silence about the existence of sexual abuse in the Orthodox Jewish community and document the effects of sexual abuse on survivors.
- National Center for PTSD – A program of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs this website is provided as an educational resource concerning post traumatic stress disorder and other enduring consequences of traumatic stress.
- National Center for Prosecution of Child Abuse – a central resource for training, expert legal assistance, court reform and information on criminal child abuse investigations and prosecutions.
- The Official Catholic Directory – a vital research tool for anyone closely involved with the Catholic community
- Orthodox Reform – Advocating reform to combat sexual misconduct in the Orthodox Church.
- Parents United of the Midlands – Provides professionally guided self-help groups for sexually abused children, their families and support persons.
- Parishes On-Line – A comprehensive listing of all Catholic dioceses nationwide, with an additional listing of all parishes within each diocese.
- – A site for victims of abuse in the Greek and Russian Orthodox Churches.
- Priest Abuse in Nigeria – Exposes the history of Catholic clergy sex abuse in Nigeria, which is mostly directly towards women, particulaly nuns.
- RAINN – The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN) is the nation’s largest anti-sexual assault organization. RAINN operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline and carries out programs to prevent sexual assault, help victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice.
- Rape & Sexual Abuse Center of Nashville – Helping people heal and reducing the risk through community education.
- Religion Newswriters Association – RNA is a non-profit trade association founded in 1949 to advance the professional standards of religion reporting in the secular press as well as to create a support network for religion reporters.
- Rent A Priest – Celibacy Is The Issue’s mission is to provide the spiritual and sacramental ministry of married priests to Roman Catholics who feel distanced from their faith for whatever reason.
- Sexual Abuse of Males – Web site by a Massachusetts psychologist, offers resources on the sexual abuse of boys and the lasting effects of childhood sexual abuse in the lives of men
- Silent Lambs – News and information about child abuse and the Jehova’s Witnesses.
- SNAP Network — The mother lode of resources and information for those hurt by the church.
- Statute of Limitations – A state-by-state survey of Statutes of Limitation Applicable to Civil Claims of Childhood Sexual Abuse.
- Stop Baptist Predators – The Voice to Stop Baptist Predators seeks to break the silence of Baptist clergy sex abuse and give voice to Baptist abuse survivors.
- Stop It Now – A non-profit organization whose mission is to call on all abusers and potential abusers to stop and seek help, to educate adults about the ways to stop sexual abuse, and to increase public awareness of the trauma of child sexual abuse.
- Surviving Therapist Abuse – A site meant to bring awareness and attention to the issue of therapist abuse and exploitation by providing a survivor’s perspective to offer resources for those who may need help or support.
- Survivor Connections – Support Organization in Rhode Island, run by Frank Fitzpatrick. Frank maintains a Data Base of Perpetrators.
- – A Boston-based advocacy group for survivors of clergy sexual abuse, founded by Pau Baier, who was also one of the founders of Voice of the Faithful. This web site includes a public database 800 priests convicted of sex abuse crimes, settled civil suits or who face allegations.
- SurvivorsNetworkMN – Web site for a volunteer self-help organization of survivors of sexual abuse and their supporters in Minnesota.
- Take Courage – Author Dee Ann Miller invites you to join her on a journey of education and empowerment.
- Tamar’s Voice – A non-profit agency based in California that helps victims who have been sexually exploited by clergy to establish a support system. They also conduct seminars and conferences on Prevention, Dealing With A Clergy Abuse Situation, Healing From the Wounds of Clergy Abuse.
- – Saving children who have been abused is the goal of this organization. They hope to open a House of Healing in Prescott, AZ, as well as enact change in federal laws against child predators.
- The Wartburg Watch – Written by Anglican Watch editor’s dear friend Dee Parsons, Dee tells the stories of victims of church abuse, including spiritual and emotional abuse. Dee is loving, accepting and affirming.
- VirtueOnline — The flagship publication for “orthodox” Anglicans.
- Visiting Sunday – A filmscript about love and sexual crime in a seminary
- Voices of Outrage – site invites survivors of sexual abuse and non-survivors to join their voices and work together to bring justice to those abused by Roman Catholic priests, bishops and other sexual predators. Includes a good discussion board.
- Voice of the Faithful – The rapidly growing national organization whose mission is to provide a prayerful voice, attentive to the Spirit, through which the Faithful can actively participate in the governance and guidance of the Catholic Church.
- WINGS Foundation – Resources for survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
- The Wounded Healer Journal – support, network for victims and mental health professionals.