Anglican Watch

Re-post: Daniel McClain clergy disciplinary complaint

Dan McClain

Following the recent remarks from a commenter trying to run interference for adulterous priest Daniel McClain, it appears some readers have lost sight of the underlying issues with Daniel McClain’s behavior. Specific allegations, not all of which made it into the diocesan attorney’s complaint against McClain, include:

  • Adultery
  • Emotional abuse
  • Spiritual abuse
  • Misuse of church funds
  • Drug and alcohol abuse
  • Abuse of office
  • Deceit and misrepresentation
  • Conduct unbecoming

And more. Indeed, a striking number of persons volunteered that they are afraid of Dan—even as St. Paul’s has lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual pledges, allegedly over Dan’s behavior.

Thus, in response to the disingenuous, deceptive, and duplicitous comments that were posted earlier today, we are re-posting the official diocesan complaint against McClain in the current Title IV case.


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