Okay, I admit it. There are days blogging about TEC can get really depressing. But I got a heads up this morning that corrupt Todd Ousley mentioned me and Anglican Watch by name in one of his videos pertaining to his efforts to land the Wyoming gig, and hot diggity! Today’s going
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Mishandling of child rape and sexual harassment complaints disqualify Todd Ousley as bishop provisional of Wyoming
Recently, Todd Ousley, former Bishop for Pastoral Development for the Episcopal Church and now the candidate for bishop provisional of Wyoming, issued a series of videos (now on the Wyoming YouTube feed) responding to concerns that he is unqualified to serve as bishop provisional. Anglican Watch has viewed these videos
Continue readingAnglican Watch issues press release on religion newswires opposing Todd Ousley as bishop provisional in Wyoming
The joke around the Anglican Watch virtual offices is that Todd Ousley has a special touch. In fact, it’s called “The Reverse Midas Touch,” and everything he touches turns not to gold, but rather, caca. And so it is with every job Ousley has held in the church. Even when he was
Continue readingAnglican Watch calls for Todd Ousley to withdraw as nominee for bishop provisional of Wyoming
One of the things the Episcopal Church likes to loudly — and often falsely — proclaim is that it is a democracy. And so it is in the Episcopal Diocese of Wyoming, where the Diocese is holding a special convention on March 5 to “affirm” the sole-source nomination of Bishop
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