Since Anglican Watch began covering the debacle of Duplicitous Dan McClain as rector of St. Paul’s, Dayton, one of the arguments pushed by his flying monkeys and fellow narcissists is that Dan actually is a great choice as rector, and any issues are the result of acrimony related to his divorce. However,
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Update: Episcopal priest Dan McClain
Previously, we reported on the ongoing saga of Episcopal priest Daniel McClain, rector-elect of St. Paul’s, Dayton, which covers a wide array of issues, including living with another woman while still married to his wife, his abusive conduct toward parishioners and his alleged misuse of church funds, resulting in our
Continue readingRe-post: Daniel McClain clergy disciplinary complaint
Following the recent remarks from a commenter trying to run interference for adulterous priest Daniel McClain, it appears some readers have lost sight of the underlying issues with Daniel McClain’s behavior. Specific allegations, not all of which made it into the diocesan attorney’s complaint against McClain, include: Adultery Emotional abuse
Continue readingWeasel attack! Still more on Episcopal priest Dan McClain and his sneaky games
TLD: Episcopal priest Dan McClain is engaging in emotional, spiritual, and relational abuse of his childran as he continues his sneaky efforts to win his divorce case by duplicity, deception, and disrespect. As usual, Anglican Watch continues to monitor the Court docket and keep our ear to the ground for developments
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