Anglican Watch

Tenth Presbyterian drags its feet as it tries to avoid filing clergy disciplinary charges against Liam Goligher

Tenth Presbyterian Philadelphia

In the wake of the debacle involving Liam Goligher and Susan Elzey, it’s becoming increasingly clear that neither Tenth Presbyterian, the Tenth Session, nor the Philadelphia Presbytery have the spine to deal with corruption and abuse.  Indeed, all involved appear to be dragging their feet, versus doing the honorable thing,

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Anglican Watch files church disciplinary complaint against Tenth Presbyterian pastor Liam Goligher for perjury

Liam Goligher, liar and adulterer

For over two years, staff at Anglican Watch have watched with dismay as Tenth Presbyterian of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) in Philadelphia has run roughshod over former member and deacon Phil Snyder.  Specifically, pastor Liam Goligher and the church elders took Phil to court seeking a protective order, claiming Phil was threatening, violent, and a potential active

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