Anglican Watch

Toxic Bill Allport cut loose from St. Paul’s Englewood

Rev. William Allport

Sources close to the matter have told Anglican Watch that Bill Allport, the troubled rector of St. Paul’s, Englewood, NJ, has been terminated.

The church has been trying to get rid of Allport since early 2023.

His last day with the parish is, appropriately enough, Halloween. 

Allport comes with a ton of alleged baggage, all of it profoundly troubling. Issues include:

  • Allegedly embezzling from a Texas church, then telling church officials that he did so to feed his family.
  • Bullying church staff.
  • Lying about church staff.
  • Failing to provide pastoral care to parishioners, which we view as akin to a doctor not providing medical care.
  • Bullying parishioners.
  • Allegations that Allport has narcissistic personality disorder.

Allport also may be an alcoholic. Sources tell Anglican Watch that he keeps a bottle of gin in a locked filing cabinet and spends much of his day in his office, door closed, drinking. 

Similarly, Allport allegedly has been seen driving a church vehicle while intoxicated.

Anglican Watch previously invited Allport to respond to these allegations. And while Allport mistakenly forwarded internal correspondence to us asking the diocese how to handle our request, he never attempted to refute any of these allegations.

Meanwhile, the church is financially in free fall, and we fear it may have to close.

Our advice to future potential employers: Take a pass. Allport is a profoundly troubled soul and a priest who can potentially cause tremendous harm to others. And his behavior to date is beyond ugly.

Good riddance.

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