Anglican Watch

Update: Episcopal priest Ben Day and the great Kennesaw debacle

Fr. Ben Day, Episcopal priest and sexual abuser

Things are continuing forward with our investigation of Episcopal priest Ben Day, who is accused of sexual misconduct by having an affair with a parishioner and ultimately marrying her.

We are in the process of compiling all correspondence between Day and local law enforcement officials, including text messages. Other Freedom of Information Act requests are in process, and we believe will paint a disturbing portrait of Day’s conduct over the past several years.

As we previously reported, Day appears to be violating a previous Cobb County court domestic relations order to stop consuming alcohol. This conclusion is based on a previous divorce proceeding, which was the source of the court order, and subsequent social media posts, where Day states he was drinking in front of children. Moreover, one of the children almost certainly was the one involved in the divorce litigation.

Anglican Watch also is investigating allegations that Day was previously questioned by local officials over claims that he engaged in child abuse involving his child from a previous marriage. This topic was allegedly covered in previous YouTube videos that Day has purportedly removed in his ongoing efforts at spoliation of evidence.

Meanwhile, there is a Title IV church disciplinary complaint active against Day, and we are contemplating a disciplinary complaint against the bishop of Atlanta, The Rt. Rev. Robert C. Wright, and his Canon to the Ordinary, The Rev. Canon Alicia Schuster-Weltner.

Anglican Watch again reminds local officials, including law enforcement, that Day’s apparent ongoing violation of Cobb County court orders and other issues creates a profound risk to local government, including reputational and potential legal liability.

We remain disconcerted by the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta’s propensity to ignore Title IV complaints, to insert non-canonical requirements (like that allegations must be based on first-hand knowledge), and its refusal to provide a pastoral response, which is mandated any time a Title IV complaint is filed.

Anyone who wishes to pursue a Title IV complaint against Wright is welcome to contact us for information.



  1. Priest are supposed to be above this. Yes it’s a demanding profession and all men face temptation. When you try emulate Christ as one of his shepherds, personal actions matter to the flock. Perhaps with new national leadership an audit of DOA clergy will be forthcoming. A rotten apple is rarely alone in the barrel. Does the former parishioner and child’s father go to a church anymore? Shame on the Clergy, shame on the Vestry, and shame on the Parrish for standing by and and not bring this to light. Prayers for all including Ben. Perhaps he can find a vocation with lower expectations.

  2. I’m just glad Schuster-Weather is finally being called by name. Please have her investigated! She is the one who ignored my abuse complaint.

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