Anglican Watch

Anglican Watch confirms pedophile active at Covenant while Audrey Hale was student

Covenant Presbyterian

Late yesterday, we received confirmation from sources close to the matter that active shooter Audrey Hale attended Covenant school during the period when a pedophile was active at Covenant Church. While the church eventually excommunicated the pedophile, for a long time it actually assisted in his efforts by placing children in his supposedly safe home.

Even worse, when whistleblower Austin Davis spoke out about the pedophile, the church allegedly responded in the most corrupt way possible, by claiming that Austin was a threat to the church. The result was years of litigation, trauma and turmoil for Davis and his family.

Compounding things was the corruption of the Nashville police department, which had more than a few officers who were members of the church. Instead of calling BS on Covenant and its machiavellian games, they went along and even actively participated in retaliating against Davis and his family.

For the record, we do not know if Hale was ever a victim of the pedophile.

But we are calling BS on Covenant Church and the Nashville police department. Those who call out pedophiles should not face retaliation, and that is exactly what Covenant Church and the police department did to Austin Davis.

Anglican Watch calls on the Federal government to investigate corruption in the Nashville police department and the possibility that the church has covered up crimes against children. We also call for an investigation into the church’s misconduct towards Austin Davis and his family.

Once again, we remind readers: We do not condone violence in any form, ever. But there are warning signs that there may be more to this story than meets the eye, and we want to see a full investigation of all possibilities.

We also want to clarify several inaccuracies in the mainline media:

  • While the Nashville PD initially reported that Hale had no issues with the school, we have heard from several sources that he did have issues with the school. We believe a thorough investigation will confirm this to be the case.
  • Hale did not shoot out the locks on the side door. Instead, he fired through the glass in the door, shattering it. Hale then stepped through the door. That’s a reminder of the importance of shatter-resistant films or anti-ballistic glass at high-risk locations.
  • Neither Austin Davis nor his daughter Daisy had ANY role in the shootings.

We will continue to post information as it becomes available.

One comment

  1. I had thought as cute as she was as a child, that sexual molestation or abuse might have caused such resentment . She would

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