Anglican Watch

Anglican Watch files Title IV complaint against Episcopal priest Marshall Ben Day for sexual misconduct

Tenth Presbyterian faces eternal consequences for its conduct

Anglican Watch, in our role as advocates for those who have experienced abuse in the church, has filed a formal Title IV complaint with the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta against Marshall Ben Day, the rector of Christ Church Kennesaw. The complaint alleges that Day has engaged in sexual misconduct by having an intimate relationship, and ultimately marrying, a woman with whom he had a pastoral relationship.

Episcopal Bishop Robert Wright, a candidate for presiding bishop, ignored an earlier, related complaint filed by an individual not associated with this publication.

In order to prevent possible efforts to influence the outcome by Day, Anglican Watch is not publishing the entire text of the complaint, although we intend to do so when appropriate.

And while not expressly discussed in our complaint, we note that Day attempts to squash criticism of his sexual misconduct by claiming that his current wife attended a different church. But that is fabrication, as she and her then-fiancé were members of the church, listed in the parish directory, and, most importantly, are persons with whom Day had a pastoral relationship.

Additional charges in the complaint include:

  • Allegations that Day is engaging in spoliation of evidence by attempting to remove YouTube videos and other information that would prove he is lying about the facts and circumstances of his relationship with his current wife.
  • Allegations that Day has suborned perjury from various third parties in an effort to oppress a third party.
  • Allegations that Day has filed a false and vexatious criminal lawsuit against a third party in order to gain the upper hand in a conflict related to his sexual misconduct.
  • Allegations that Day has repeatedly engaged in misrepresentation, fraud, and deceit in violation of Title IV.

Because Day appears to be engaging in spoliation of evidence, we asked the Diocese of Atlanta to take steps to ensure no further destruction of evidence occurs. We also have asked that the Diocese provide the required pastoral response (not the same as pastoral care, per canons) to the injured party.

Additionally, we have cautioned the Diocese that we will seek disciplinary charges against the Canon to the Ordinary, the Rev. Alicia Schuster Weltner, and against Bishop Wright, should the Diocese again ignore the case.

Per our request, we received an acknowledgement from Schuster Weltner regarding our complaint:

I have received your email sent today, June 21, 2024.
This information will be handled initially in accordance with Canon IV.6.4 . You will be communicated with following this email in accordance with the provisions of Canon IV.6. Fr. Ben Day will also be informed according to the provisions of this Canon.
Pastoral response is available in accordance with Canon IV.8.1 & 2. If you are asking for yourself, please let me know and I will connect you.
Alicia Schuster Weltner

We are hopeful that the Diocese and Bishop Wright will finally take this egregious situation seriously and work towards wholeness and healing.

As things stand, the situation is an example of Episcopal corruption at its worst, and we have zero patience for a bishop who, like Wright, talks about social justice, then turn away the metaphorical beggar at the door when a Title IV complaint is filed.

As for Ben Day, he has no business serving as clergy in any denomination, and we are willing to be quoted on that.

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