Anglican Watch

AW calls for boycott of Diocese of Alabama

Boycott the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama

It’s official. We’re sick and tired of Glenda Curry, Rob Morpeth, and the other corrupt leaders of the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama. And we’re doing something about it.

Even now, with alleged child rapist Richard Losch set for arraignment, the Diocese is still sitting on its hands. No public statement. No warning to other parents. Nothing.

Still worse, the diocese has previously lied to Massachusetts law enforcement, falsely claiming that Losch is not serving as a priest and does not have access to children. Folks, that’s a felony.

Until Glenda Curry and her minions take action, please join us in withholding money from the diocese. Any church that can’t be bothered to protect children isn’t even a church.

As far as we’re concerned, it’s a criminal enterprise.

One comment

  1. I mean the whole church is totally pointless and is a vampires nest of scum bags. Boycott it all! The episcopal church destroys families

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