Anglican Watch

Bishop George Sumner Title IV complaint refiled, cites Sumner’s retaliation for opposing sexual harassment

George Sumner, corrupt Episcopal bishop

Todd Ousley, the bishop who heads up the Office of Pastoral Development, has responded to inquiries about the Title IV clergy disciplinary complaint filed against +Sumner by claiming he cannot find the complaint. Sources close to the matter therefore tell us that a Title IV complaint has been refiled against George Sumner.

While Anglican Watch finds Ousley’s claim improbable in light of his past feckless handling of Title IV complaints — including his refusal to provide the pastoral response mandated by Title IV — we believe it is important that the allegations against Sumner be brought into the light of day.

Below is a redacted copy of the body of the complaint.

Disciplinary complaint refiled against Episcopal bishop George Sumner
Disciplinary complaint refiled against Episcopal bishop George Sumner

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