Anglican Watch

BREAKING: AW announces additional reward in Grant Solomon case

Grant Solomon

Anglican Watch today announced a major reward in the Grant Solomon case. 

The reward of at least $10,000 is available to any of the three men that Aaron Solomon states were on the scene at the time Grant was fatally injured in Gallatin TN. Anonymity is assured, and the reward will be paid for information leading to the arrest and conviction of Grant’s killer(s).

Grant, an 18-year-old senior at Grace Christian Academy and star athlete, died on July 20, 2020 following an incident at the Ward Performance Institute, a baseball training institute in Gallatin. 

During the incident, witnessed by Grant’s father Aaron, Grant’s pickup truck allegedly rolled over Grant, dragging him approximately 60 feet across a paved parking lot and into a rocky ditch. Yet Grant suffered no scrapes, road rash, or other indicia of being dragged.

Those wishing to receive the reward, or who have tips relating to Grant’s death, can email them to [email protected]. No name or identifying information is required, although we cannot issue a reward without contact information.

A separate award of $30,000 is available for general leads or tips leading to the arrest and conviction of Grant’s killer(s).

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