Anglican Watch

BREAKING NEWS: Additional information calls into question Aaron Solomon’s behavior the morning of Grant Solomon’s death

Grant Solomon

Reminder: We are offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the death of Grant Solomon.

Moments ago, Anglican Watch got additional information on the Grant Solomon case, which we are immediately posting to assist others investigating the matter.

Specifically, Grant’s father, Aaron Solomon, arranged the early morning arrival at Ward Performance Institute over Grant’s objections. That raises the question: why was first thing in the morning so important?

Here’s what we learned:

  • Before his death, Grant was recovering from COVID and still short of breath.
  • Grant had a chest x-ray the Friday before his death due to concerns about possible pneumonia.
  • Despite these issues, Aaron kept pushing to train at the Ward Performance Institute (WPI).
  • Grant resisted, saying he wanted it to be with his baseball teammates if he went anywhere.
  • When Aaron kept pushing, Grant suggested meeting at WPI early that afternoon. We surmise he did this to reduce his fear of violence from his father.
  • Aaron kept pushing for the first thing that morning.

Keep in mind that neither Grant nor Aaron had an appointment with WPI. So why the insistence by Aaron on meeting first thing in the morning? What difference did it make?

Those questions are particularly relevant in light of Grant’s boundaries for Aaron. Those boundaries were simple: Grant didn’t want to hear from Aaron.

So Aaron’s bit at Grant’s funeral about how they’d been playing ball together for hours in the days before Grant’s was a fabrication, a lie.

Why did Grant say yes to his father? We’ll never know for sure, but it seems he just wanted to get it over with, not make waves, and get on with his life. At some point, maybe it was just easier to deal with Aaron’s bullying than trying to avoid it.

We’ve also learned that one person observed a grey-haired individual on the scene before the incident; that individual was driving a pickup truck. Some believe this person may have been Steve Berger, but we cannot confirm that conclusion.

Stay tuned as the entire #justiceforgrant team, including Lauren Conlin, Mandy Matney, Liz Farrell, Beth Braden, George Brewer, Slaythetti, and many others, work together to find justice for Grant and Gracie.

Finally, we send our love and gratitude to everyone working on this case. Together, we WILL win!


    1. Steve Berger is the now-discredited former pastor of Grant’s church. Grant spoke with him shortly before his death.

      Berger later claimed that Grant came to him to ask him how to get closer to Jesus. We’re not buying that for an instant–Grant told family members he was going to ask him for help protecting his sister, Gracie, who allegedly was being sexually assaulted by Grant’s father. And with all respect, if your sister is being sexually abused, getting closer to Jesus is not on the top of your list.

      We can’t prove it, but we believe that Berger tipped off Aaron, Grant’s father, about the conversation.

      And despite the controversy over Aaron Solomon’s behavior, and the fact he’s not officially a member of Grace Chapel Church, Berger referred to him as “buddy” at Grant’s funeral, where Aaron stood over his son’s open casket and lied about how they regularly played baseball together and more.

      Berger also was connected with the January 6 riots, and now is part of a group that lobbies Congress on issues connected with the January 6 rioters. He is believed to remain behind the scenes at Grace Chapel Church, where he pulls the levers, but does so through others.

      Thanks for your question.

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