Anglican Watch

BREAKING: Shocking allegations emerge that Amy Curle and other GCA officials covered up multiple instances of rape and child abuse, as former students discuss possible class action lawsuit

Grace Christian Academy faces possible class action lawsuit

Anglican Watch has uncovered evidence that helps us understand the context for Amy Curle’s abusive behavior towards former Grace Christian Academy (GCA) student George Brewer. Curle serves as the school’s head of counseling.

Specifically, Anglican Watch has documented that Curle engaged in a pattern and practice of ignoring allegations of child abuse. This conduct extends to the GCA administration, and details are emerging at a time when school parents and alumni increasingly discuss a class action suit against the school.

In Brewer’s case, Curle knew of allegations that GCA teacher Debbie Carroll was sexually grooming Brewer and engaging in unprofessional conduct. That purportedly included taking numerous covert photos of Brewer, sitting in his lap, kissing him on the face, and more. Indeed, Curle is believed to have seen written evidence of these allegations.

In addition, Curle spoke directly with Brewer about his experiences with sexual assault, rape, and abuse at other organizations. DESPITE BEING A MANDATED REPORTER, CURLE DID NOT REPORT BREWER’S ABUSE, EITHER AT GCA OR ELSEWHERE. THIS IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE AND MAY GIVE RISE TO CIVIL LIABILITY.

Carroll’s conduct first came to the attention of head of school Robbie Mason and other administrators when GCA students found Carroll’s mobile phone. They were able to guess the password and came across numerous incriminating items, including photos of Brewer.

Later, both Mason and coach Daniel Bechman met with Brewer in an effort to squelch rumors.

While the school portrayed the matter as one of mentoring, Mason met with senior students, told them that Carroll might press criminal charges for going through her phone, and had them sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). Further, Mason allegedly told students if they didn’t sign, they wouldn’t graduate.

In other words, the school tried to cover up the allegations versus acting to protect students. After all, “mentoring” does not require non-disclosure agreements. (NDA’s are also inherently abusive in faith-based settings.)

Curle not only failed to report the grooming but allegedly gossiped about the matter to others, starting rumors with other staff, including Jennifer Nelson. As a result, Brewer experienced shunning and relational abuse from other students and parents that continues to this day. The result is lasting trauma.

Moreover, parents emailed Mark Bright and Steve Berger about the matter, meaning that they have actual knowledge of a pattern and practice of child abuse.

True to form, Berger protected Carroll and she remained an employee and church member for years.

Thus, it appears Curle not only tortiously failed to report child abuse but also violated Brewer’s privacy rights, while engaging in defamation and the intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Nor is Brewer’s situation isolated. 

Anglican Watch has reason to believe Carroll sexually harassed other students.

Multiple sources close to the matter also tell us that school officials covered up repeated instances of alleged rape and sexual assault involving a GCA football player. We have identified the football player involved but are not publishing his name at this time.

Moreover, Anglican Watch has received repeated complaints from former GCA students and parents about sexual harassment, bullying, shunning, verbal, emotional, and relational abuse. These allegations extend to both faculty and students, and we have heard GCA repeatedly referred to as a “cult” and “abusive.”

Thus, Anglican Watch invites Brewer, current/former students, and parents who may wish to sue Curle, the school, the church, or others connected with these organizations to contact us. We will gladly provide names, dates, written correspondence, and other details needed to support legal action. In addition, we will do whatever is needed to support a class action lawsuit. Sexual harassment is always wrong, and doubly so in a faith-based setting.

And to the inevitable attorneys, insert the word “allegation” in front of every assertion in this post. We have multiple sources, however, and believe our sources to be accurate and truthful.

We will be publishing additional correspondence, screen caps, and other documentation of these issues in the coming weeks.


  1. I’m not sure Amy Curle is technically a licensed social worker.

    You can go and search for her license info here:

    I’m not sure what “Closed Application” status means, but I think when a license is active, it shows “Licensed” as the status.

    Did she apply and not complete the process?

    If she isn’t technically licensed than the mandatory reporter law may not apply to her. Though her actions could certainly be considered unethical and potentially endangering minors.

    If she is not licensed, but is portraying herself as a social worker or is doing the work of a social worker or therapist without a license, that could be problematic.

    Just an potential FYI.

    1. Hi Tom. Yes, she clearly never completed the licensing process to be a social worker—which is interesting, as she claims to have engaged in clinical social work. There are some exceptions that would allow her to do so without a license, but it still seems sketch.

      Tennessee’s mandatory reporting law is pretty much universal, although failure to report rarely is prosecuted.

      Of course, you raise the biggest point, which is what kind of adult ignores two kids in such a dire situation? Grant was no pushover, but he was terrified of his father. And now he’s dead.

      Thank you for your comments.

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