Anglican Watch

Church of the Advent continues to sidle up to ACNA/GAFCON crowd

Church of the Advent Boston

Allegations of sexual misconduct and dishonesty by rector Douglas Anderson aren’t the only issues at Church of the Advent, Boston, plaguing corrupt bishop Alan Gates and his equally unethical Canon to the Ordinary, Bill Parnell. Nor is misogyny the only challenge facing the parish.

Sources close to the matter tell Anglican Watch that the parish recently formed an Anglicans for Life group at the parish. The group is know for its anti-abortion stance, as well as its close connections to GAFCON, ACNA, and ties to several persons who are actively working to erode support for civil rights for LGBTQ persons.

Coming on the heels of Bishop Iker’s officiating at a wedding at Advent, despite having been inhibited by Presiding Bishop Schori, and the ongoing misogyny at the parish, these are disturbing signs of a disrespect for church canons and its hierarchy. We also note that Iker opposed the ordination of women in CANA prior to his retirement.

But then, perhaps not surprising in light of Gates’ willingness to ignore church canons.

So, we say this to Gates and DioMass: Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

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