Anglican Watch

Dire trouble in Dio Dallas, as Sumner faces clergy disciplinary charges

George Sumner, corrupt Episcopal bishop

Sarah Brightman & Andrea Bocelli - Time To Say Goodbye

The recent allegations that Bishop of Dallas George Sumner engaged in retaliation against a member of the clergy for bringing forward a claim of sexual harassment by a priest is bringing to light a host of related issues. None of them are good news, either for Sumner, the diocese, or the church as a whole. In fact, it’s increasingly looking like it’s time for Sumner to say goodbye.

By way of background, retaliation has been expressly forbidden under the Title IV disciplinary canons since 2018, when Resolution D076 was passed as amended. That would have seemed unnecessary, as conduct unbecoming was always forbidden, but this being TEC, we had to come right out and say it.

True to form, we are told Todd Ousley has not yet been in touch with Rich Daly, the priest fired by Sumner, allegedly in retaliation for complaining about the situation at the heart of the current Title IV case against Douglas Anderson, now under way in the Diocese of Massachusetts. Kinda hard to provide the pastoral response mandated by canon when Ousley can’t be bothered to pick up the phone and call, isn’t it?

Meanwhile, Anglican Watch is hearing rumblings from both the conservative and progressive factions of the Diocese of Dallas.

Sumner’s high-handed tactics in general, combined with his glaring efforts to cover up a #churchtoo incident via retaliation, have resulted in alienation across broad swaths of the Diocese. And Sumner is doing himself no favors with the whole “keep calm and carry on” routine. It’s time for truth and transparency, and if he doesn’t fix things on his own, it’s looking increasingly like the matter will be resolved in civil court. And yes, Equal Employment Opportunity laws do apply to the church.

Of course, things would not have gotten to this point if Sumner had been less enamored of his own authority, and a more concerned about doing what’s right. Were the church acting with integrity, it would welcome truthtellers, not fire them.

Speaking of being fired, unless Sumner gets a grip and fixes the mess he has made, he is going to be looking for a job in short order. And he and his Standing Committee are going to wind up explaining to the church and the public why they think it’s okay to engage in retaliation when it comes to #metoo.

While we’re at it, let’s save all involved the trouble and extend this warning to Sumner: Don’t even get it in your pointy little head to try the whole, “Well, I was told Daly didn’t get along with people and was stealing money,” routine. It’s not going to fly, and you will dig yourself in that much deeper. Not to mention we’re watching, and we will pounce on you like a duck on a junebug. And you are setting yourself up for a civil lawsuit, which will garner even more adverse attention.

Simply put, it’s time for Sumner to either clean up his act, or get the hell out of Dodge Dallas.

And as always, we remind the inevitable attorneys that these are all allegations. That said, we have lots of evidence in front of us, and believe that the allegations against Sumner are true.


  1. He’s railroading our small congregation. He’s trying to replace a church and its congregation with over 60 years of service and replace with a new congregation and a priest who is a misogynistic arrogant person. Multiple complaints have been made about this “priest” and his over the top way he speaks to the ladies of our church. Sumner sat with us to listen our concerns, all while already having a plan and no intentions of sharing it with us. He lied to our faces. It is definitely time for Sumner to go.

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