Anglican Watch

Disruptions to AW news

At our wedding!

It’s been fairly said that I’m lousy at self-disclosure. With that in mind, I wanted to share some recent developments slowing down several articles that are in production. I also owe a slew of people phone calls.

On September 6, my husband Mike went to the emergency room with classic symptoms of pneumonia. Moments after they started testing, a nurse came flying into the waiting room to say it looked like a heart attack, and the hospital he was at didn’t have the needed equipment.

So, lights and sirens blaring, the ambulance raced Mike to a prominent local hospital. Efforts to insert a shunt were unsuccessful, and there was evidence of a prior, previously unrecognized heart attack.

We’re looking at options, and Mike’s heart is resilient. But after six purgatorial nights on what passes for a guest bed in Mike’s hospital room, I ache all over, I’m tired, and I am grumpy. Not to mention the hospital food has put me off eating for life. Hence the backlog. And the news from the hospital is decidedly mixed which doesn’t help matters any.

I’m off for several weeks and will do my best to get caught up. Many thanks to Stinkbomb for his invaluable efforts to keep things running during a profoundly difficult time. And many, many thinks to readers for their kind thoughts and, for those so inclined, their prayers.

Much love,



  1. Hang in there. I personally was in Mikes situation. This will be a marathon not a sprint. Life takes turns but God is faithful. Some things are important, some things less so. Your husband is important. You being healthy is important. Lean of those in Christ who will help you. Life goes on. 15-years later and I am still here.

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