Anglican Watch

Hiding evidence makes clear Grace Christian Academy and others may face criminal charges and civil liabiity

Grace Christian Academy

In civil litigation, one of the worst things anyone can do is to hide or destroy evidence adverse to their position. That’s the case, even if the issue is just that a reasonable person would expect litigation. It’s even worse if there is a potential criminal case.

In the case of Grace Christian Academy (GCA), we see multiple instances in which the school has concealed evidence.

For those new to the discussion, both Grace Solomon and her brother, Grant, repeatedly complained to GCA school nurses, faculty, and leadership about their abuse at the hands of their father, Aaron Solomon. 

In every instance, they were brushed aside and silenced. In no instance did the school or its staff comply with state mandatory reporting laws. 

Today jackrabbits like Amy Curle continue to gaslight advocates for the family by telling them that there’s more to the situation than they know, that there are two sides to every story and other BS.

For the record, there are not two sides to every story. When it comes to child abuse, persons like Curle either obey the mandatory reporting laws or don’t. There’s no excuse, no explanation, no exceptions. The issue is binary.

So, let’s look at specific instances when GCA and its allies have acted to conceal evidence.

These situations include:

  1. GCA has refused to provide Grant and Gracie’s complete medical records, which we believe contain evidence that they complained repeatedly to school nurses about abuse.
  2. GCA has refused to provide financial records relating to Aaron Solomon.
  3. Funeral director Pam Stephens lied about having Grant’s clothing and illegally destroyed it. We believe she did this to destroy the DNA on Grant’s clothes, which indicated that others moved him into the ditch where he died.
  4. Multiple sources tell us that Grant’s medical records from Sumner Regional Medical Center relating to his admission and declaration of death have gone missing.
  5. Gallatin police have redacted records provided to investigators to obfuscate meaning.
  6. Gallatin police claim they destroyed body cam footage from the scene of Grant’s death.
  7. Fire and EMT records are incomplete.
  8. Williamson Memorial and Funeral Home has refused to provide complete records.
  9. The state of Tennessee has not provided records of correspondence between Aaron Solomon and government officials. Nor has it provided records from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.
  10. Grant’s cell phone wandered off after his death, showing up at Lee Lynch’s house. And while it was intact at the time of his death, Aaron later brought it back with a damaged screen. And Aaron knew precisely where to find it.

Into this toxic morass, we fold in four additional reference points:

  • Aaron Solomon’s statements about how he met Grant are facially inconsistent. In one statement, he said he met Grant by coincidence on Veteran’s Bridge. In his other statement, Aaron said they met at WPI. We know, however, that Aaron planned the meeting with Grant — even though he had no appointment at Ward Performance Institute that morning.
  • Steve Berger lied about his meeting with Grant. We know Grant met to discuss Aaron’s abuse. Yet Berger now claims they met to chat about Jesus.
  • Rob Rogers lied about the church’s role in the abuse of Grant and Gracie.
  • Grant, hardly a pushover, told people he was “terrified” of his father.

What happens when someone conceals records? In civil litigation, it’s one of the worst things you can do, and it’s called spoliation of evidence. Not only is it indicative of possible guilt, but it can result in severe sanctions, including financial, evidential, or a default judgment in favor of the plaintiff. 

In other words, hiding evidence is an excellent way for people or organizations to get their backsides kicked in court.

On the criminal front, this behavior can result in criminal charges for conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and more. Typically, these are felony charges, potentially involving years in jail.

So, Aaron Solomon, Sam Johnson, Steve Berger, Pam Stephens, Amy Curle, and their fellow fake Christians need to keep their emails and other records. Whether it’s a significant civil judgment or criminal conviction, these are issues that will catch up to everyone who is aiding and abetting the underlying corruption.

As for Grace Chapel, let’s hope the place has robust insurance. Otherwise, Rogers and other church leaders may face personal liability in a civil action, while members may see their donations evaporate to pay a civil judgment.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.


  1. Can you put the Grant stuff on it’s own page? I come here for the church stuff and the Grant stuff has really over taken the church stuff…

    1. That’s a great idea. We’ll see what we can do.

      Of course, part of the issue is that Grant fell into a Christian nationalist church/school through no fault of his own.

      While we generally are neutral on political issues, we put our foot down hard on Christian nationalism and theologies of hate.

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