Anglican Watch

Human trafficking at The Bunganut Pig? Questions swirl in #justiceforgracie case

Is The Bunganut Pig involved in human trafficking?

An odd wrinkle has emerged as we continue to explore the myriad layers of Tennessee corruption involved in the #justiceforgracie/#justiceforgrant case. That wrinkle is the possible role of persons connected with The Bunganut Pig, a favorite downtown bar and eatery.

During our investigation, we have repeatedly received allegations about human trafficking in connection with this business.

To be clear, none of the allegations have a direct bearing 0n the questions surrounding Grant and Gracie.

But yesterday, we learned of an additional wrinkle in the case: Aaron Solomon was put in touch with his divorce attorney, David Scott Parsley, by a lawyer who played in a band at the Bunganut Pig. That lawyer allegedly is Stephen Thurman, a Nashville criminal defense and DUI attorney.

Not only does Parsley have some serious personal and professional integrity issues, but his efforts to portray Angie Solomon as mentally ill are profoundly troubling.

Is the connection to The Bunganut Pig pure coincidence? Maybe. 

Are there issues of human trafficking at The Bunganut Pig? We can’t say with certainty.

But we’ve heard enough detail and from enough people to conclude it’s worth raising questions about the depth and breadth of corruption within Tennessee. That includes possible ties to local businesses.

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