Anglican Watch

More curious pleadings by Episcopal priest Dan McClain

Daniel McClain, Episcopal priest

Over the past few days, we’ve seen several of Dan McClain’s flying monkeys claim that he is a “doting father.” And we know that McClain was elected rector of St. Paul’s, Dayton, versus being priest in charge.

All of that begs the question: why is McClain asking the courts to reduce support for his wife and children? While he claims his income has declined, his pleadings are hardly those of a “doting father.”

As for his claim that his income has decreased, we strongly suspect that is a load of bull****.

  • Typically, when someone is elected rector, their income goes up, not down.
  • As for Daniel McClain’s previous income as an adjunct professor at the University of Dayton, that would be a total of about $5,000.
  • While we have not seen McClain’s new contract, we strongly suspect it includes increases that more than offset any loss of income from no longer teaching as adjunct faculty.
  • Even if McClain’s income has gone down, why would he want to reduce his support for his wife and children? Especially if, as he apparently claims, his wife struggles with mental illness? And how is that Christian?
  • And if his income has been reduced, why is he seeking to increase his expenses by sending his son to a public high school, with its attendant costs of transportation, lunches, program and activity fees, and more?

Church insiders, feel free to leak information about McClain’s contract to us. We’re all ears.

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