Anglican Watch

More weirdness in the Dan McClain case, as we investigate issues at Mike’s Bike Park

Mike’s bike park Dayton weirds out

For some time now, Anglican Watch has been investigating the relationship between Dan McClain and Mike’s Bike Park in Dayton. Specifically, we’ve been looking at allegations that the business gave multiple discounts on expensive bikes for McClain’s kids. Not just kinda expensive—thousand dollar bikes and uber-pricey accessories.

So why would anyone care?

The answer is that the bikes appear to be an effort by Dan McClain to engage in self-help aka parental alienation.

In other words, the message is, “Choose to live with me—I’ll give you all kinds of good stuff your Mom won’t.”

Yeah, pretty slimy. Doubly so for a priest.

But all sorts of related issues come up when we explore Dan McClain and his big-ticket purchases, which include two bikes and an expensive bike rack. (No, we didn’t get that information from anyone in the family.)

As in, with Dan McClain saying he can’t afford to pay spousal and child support, where is he getting the money for all these items? Is he putting them on credit cards?

Another source tells us that Dan McClain appears to be working at Mike’s Bike Park, and we have confirmed repeated sightings of him at that location, all appearing to be working. Additionally, we are told that Dan had one of his kid’s birthday parties there.

We’re also told that Dan got discounts on the big-ticket purchases mentioned above.

But that seems odd. Not only are these still huge purchases for someone who is trying to reduce his support obligations, but the store allegedly only gives one discount per employee per year. Which begs the question: Is Dan McClain an employee?

Fair enough, but when we tried to confirm Dan’s employment with the Bike Park, we got the very weird response below, apparently from owner Mike Bisig, indicating the Dan is not an employee, but accusing us of harassment.

Interesting, since we have not contacted the bike store previously. As in, the phrase, “Batsnot cray” comes to mind.

Mike’s Bike Park
Mike’s Bike Park weirds out

Then we come to unconfirmed reports that Bisig called Kate McClain’s attorney to leave similarly weird comments on her voicemail. Why would a business person do that? Why wouldn’t he mind his own damned business and sell bikes? Is this sort of irrational behavior parents want around their kids?  And why would someone get so defensive about knowing Dan?

Indeed, if Dan isn’t an employee — and note that Bisig certainly knows who Dan is, why not respond with, “Great guy. He doesn’t work here, but I’d love it if he did.”?

In our experience, when someone acts like this, there is something seriously sketch afoot. Meanwhile, we’re thinking of the phrase “birds of a feather,” when it comes to Bisig and Dan McClain.

In the meanwhile, let’s hope Kate McClain’s attorney subpoenas Mike’s Bike Park. As far as we can tell, Dan either is getting paid as a 1099 contractor, which means Dan needs to report that income to the courts, or Mike’s Bike Park has a minimum wage issue going. As in allowing someone to work without paying minimum wage.

Meanwhile, parents beware.

Women already get far too little respect in our society. We don’t need Bisig’s weird, vaguely threatening phone calls to female attorneys, or Bisig taking sides in the McClain divorce case, or his weird and irrational claims of harassment.

But if Bisig is going to get involved in other people’s divorces, then this is a legitimate issue to consider when deciding where to purchase your next bike, or get your current bike repaired.

After all, would you want Mike Bisig taking sides in YOUR divorce? Maybe it’s simply time for him to mind his own damned business and lay off the drama.

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