Anglican Watch

Resource: #justiceforgrant emails

Grant Solomon

There are a number of great resources online to help activists lobby on behalf of #justiceforgrant. One of the best is the list of email addresses for Tennessee officials online at

To make life easy, below is a cut-and-past list of the addresses, with commas added. We’re also posting a .CSV file, in case that’s easier.

Here’s the cut-and-paste letter from justiceforgrantsolomon:

To Whom It May Concern:

On July 20, 2020, Grant Solomon was tragically killed in a still unexplained incident in Gallatin, Tennessee. His abusive father (substantiated by the Tennessee Department of Child Services), former Channel 4 News Anchor Aaron Solomon, was the only witness. Aaron claims Grant was getting a baseball bat from the bed of his truck right before it rolled downhill and dragged him across the parking lot and into a ditch. Neither evidence at the scene nor Grant’s injuries match the account Aaron gave Gallatin police, who took his word and closed the case.  The investigation into this incident, which did not include an autopsy or forensic examination of the truck, fails to meet even basic standards of law-enforcement.

Particular concerns:

  • Multiple forensics experts have been consulted and based on the lack of abrasions, burns or even scrapes, the consensus is that Grant was not dragged by his truck. Grant’s only injuries were a blow to the jaw and fatal blow to the back of the head. There was no blood on the asphalt.
  • Traces of Grant’s blood were found inside the truck and his aluminum bat was never found.
  • There are no tracks through the grass to indicate a truck had rolled through it, dragging a 6’3″ male athlete. Photos from every angle show the grass is tall and undamaged. Tire tracks on the sidewalk indicate the truck drove forward into the ditch.
  • Aaron refused a forensic exam of the truck he claims malfunctioned and killed his son. He picked it up 48 hours later and drove it for months before claiming the truck was totaled, committing insurance and wire fraud.
  • Grant’s mother, Angie Solomon, was able to retrieve the truck from a junk yard.  An independent forensics exam revealed the truck was in perfect working order.
  • On the 911 call, Aaron claimed there were three men in the ditch with Grant and spoke with them the entire duration of the four minute call.  Paramedics arrived at the scene while he was still on the phone with 911, but the responding officer gave testimony that he was not able to locate any witnesses.  The three men have still not come forward.
  • Aaron refused an autopsy and organ donation before Angie Solomon arrived at the hospital.
  • Aaron allegedly sexually abused his 16 year old daughter, Gracie Solomon, for years and attempted to kill Angie Solomon.  Angie reported the abuse to the authorities multiple times prior to Grant’s death. These are issues that would have emerged in a full investigation.

Grant’s suspicious death has been covered by multiple social media and YouTube content creators and Podcasters, including Mandy Matney of the Murdaugh Murders Podcast.  Nancy Grace will be covering the story in the coming weeks.

I am requesting your help in urging the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation to reopen the investigation.  Angie Solomon has collected almost 300,000 signatures on  If you would like more information visit

If you would like to be removed from this email list, please email the FBI and TBI to demand reopening the investigation and copy [email protected], and post “Justice for Grant Solomon” on Twitter and tag @TBInvestigation and @GovBillLee.


[Your Name]

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And here is a shared link via iCloud:!AoTZ4beCdRKkg_hvITj8jXmmQx6M8g


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