Anglican Watch

Spotlight on abuse: Haitian director of operations Vundla Sikhumbuzo

Vundla Sikhumbuzo

Vundla Sikhumbuzo, appointed by Episcopal Church authorities in 2011 to help bring order to the church’s business operations in Haiti following the 2010 earthquake, is accused of attacking his wife with acid in 2018. Yet his association with the church and its business operations continued for at least another 2 years after his alleged attack.

Multiple complaints to civil authorities about this attack on his wife were ignored, until apparent intervention by Chadian authorities resulted in the couple’s divorce in 2018. Shortly afterwards, Sikhumbuzo was removed from his role as director of operations.

But the story doesn’t end there. In 2020, the church hired Sikhumbuzo to assist in getting a truck purchased in Keyser WV through customs. Officials discovered the truck was loaded with weapons and other contraband, and have been looking for Sihhumbuzo ever since.

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and Todd Ousley are both personally involved in the matter and have received complaints from church members, both about Sikhumbuzo and the ongoing corruption in the diocese.

So why doesn’t the national church show some backbone and demand that Haiti clean up its act or leave the church? Yes, the diocese is the largest in the denomination, but given that its corruption exceeds even that of the dioceses of Virginia and Massachusetts, its continued misconduct threatens the survival of the church.

Gunrunning? Illegal sale of church property? Allegations of sexual misconduct  by candidates for bishop?

When will it end? And when will the church actually do something about egregious corruption?

Photo courtesy of Ayibo Post. Details here:

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