Anglican Watch

The Buzz: News we’re working on

Upcoming News on Anglican Watch

As we move into fall, there are several stories Anglican Watch is working on.

  • We expect a major breaking story, possibly in the next few days, involving a key religious leader outside the Episcopal Church. Stay tuned!
  • September 10 marks the start of the Dan McClain divorce trial, which we likely will cover. While domestic relations issues are normally outside our wheelhouse, McClain’s misconduct is inextricably intertwined with his pending divorce. Among the issues on our radar:
    • Allegations that McClain misused church funds for personal benefit.
    • Fabrications by Dan McClain, which he shared with parishioners, that his wife is mentally ill.
    • Repeated efforts to reduce his spousal and child support payments, even as he makes lavish expenditures to influence his children — and incurs expenses for ridiculous things, like a new tattoo.
    • Moving into a home with his adulterous partner, Erin O’Rourke, while still married to his wife, and attempting to coerce his children into moving in with the adulterous couple.
  • We’re hearing additional complaints from multiple sources about problems with the national Title IV process, including allegations of abusive written responses from national intake officer, the Rev. Barb Kempf.
  • We’re working to learn more about issues at another abusive PCA church, Proclamation, in Bryn Mawr, PA. Anyone with information about the ongoing pattern of abuse and corruption at the church is welcome to contact us using our online form.
  • The Episcopal Diocese of Virginia just released a report on challenges at the Shrine Mont camp/retreat center. But the report overlooks a larger issue — governance challenges within the Diocese — which in turn affect Shrine Mont. The report also overlooks a key factor, which is that needs and priorities can and do change. Yet, paradoxically, many of the challenges facing the Diocese and the larger church are reflected in the report. Thus, the question is whether the Diocese and the Episcopal Church have the needed introspection to connect the dots and infer needed lessons from the report,

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