Anglican Watch

Update and further thoughts on Dan McClain case

Dan McClain

Earlier this morning, there were a few developments in the Dan McClain matter. We are providing this update and sharing some additional thoughts in this case.

For those visiting AW for the first time, McClain is rector-elect of St. Paul’s, Dayton. He is in the middle of a divorce from his wife, Kate. 

And while a divorce is rarely easy or pleasant, we believe that McClain has a track record of coercive control, intimidation of family members and parishioners, and other abusive behavior that transcends the acrimony typical in divorce cases.

Earlier today, the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas appointed a guardian ad litem for the children. We see that as a good move, as it brings an independent perspective to things and hopefully ensures that the children’s best interests are represented in the course of the litigation.

At the same time, we see several issues in the prior litigation that concern us. These issues include:

  • The previous court order of mediation. While many courts grant such orders almost automatically in the hope that the parties can work through issues without litigation, mediation is not appropriate when, as here, Dan McClain does not appear to want a fair and just settlement but rather an absolute victory. 
  • Dan McClain’s previous failure to actually participate in mediation. Even in divorce, clergy must act with integrity and honor their commitments.
  • Dan McClain’s failure to honor the terms of the previous restraining order, which included the obligation to maintain utilities. We believe that he did not do so. That raises the question: what kind of asshole doesn’t ensure his kids have essentials in life, including utilities? And do parishioners want this sort of asshole as their rector?
  • Anglican Watch continues to pull in reports of Dan McClain dating another woman. Call us old-fashioned, but when someone is married, they are married and need to honor their marriage vows until they are divorced. To do otherwise is unfair to all involved, including the children. And to the woman allegedly involved, we ask: do you think you will have a healthy relationship with someone you’ve met under these circumstances? If you do, you’re either a fool, being played, or both.

Anglican Watch anticipates we will have additional written statements from third parties connected with the situation that we can post later this week.

As always, our usual disclaimer: these are all allegations and may be accurate or inaccurate. However, we believe they are valid and stand with those allegedly hurt by McClain, including his wife, children, and former parishioners.

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