Anglican Watch

William Cliff inhibited after misconduct allegation three days after being elected bishop of Ontario

William Cliff

The Anglican Church of Canada reports that the newly elected bishop of Ontario, William Cliff, has been inhibited just three days after being elected. According to the Anglican Journalthe decision to do so was based on allegations posted to social media shortly after his election. Cliff currently serves as bishop of Ruperts Land.

Anglican Journal provides these details:

While the allegation is under investigation, Cliff is inhibited in the ecclesiastical provinces of Ontario and Rupert’s Land. Reached by the Anglican Journal, Germond said she could not comment on the matter. On Wednesday, May 3, Archbishop Greg Kerr-Wilson, metropolitan of Rupert’s Land, told the Journal in an email that after Cliff’s election was announced, “an individual in the Civil Province of Ontario posted on social media an allegation of misconduct against Bishop Cliff. The nature of the allegation is such that an investigation is required—which will be conducted in Ontario by the Eccl. Province there (as that is where the alleged misconduct took place).” The investigation, he added, required Cliff to be inhibited.

“The Inhibition does not imply, or presume guilt on Bishop Cliff’s part, but is enacted in keeping with our church’s commitment to take all allegations seriously and to facilitate transparency in the investigation process,” Kerr-Wilson wrote. “I have issued that Inhibition and it is effective immediately. The Inhibition is equivalent to a suspension with pay—meaning that +William while remaining a bishop of the Church and continuing to be remunerated, is unable to exercise the ministry of his Office within the Anglican Church until notice otherwise.

“Please do keep the complainant, +William, the Dioceses of Brandon and Ontario and those responsible for this investigation in your prayers.”

We will post additional information as we receive it.

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